Where is Indonesia Located? Is it in Asia? - INIRUMAHPINTAR.com
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Where is Indonesia Located? Is it in Asia?

Geographically, Indonesia is a country in Asia located between two continents (the Australian continent and the Asian continent) and between two oceans (the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean).

To the north, Indonesia is bordered by a number of countries, such as Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.

To the east, Indonesia is bordered by Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Ocean.

To the south, Indonesia borders Australia, and since 1999 it has also directly bordered Timor Leste (formerly Timor-Timur, part of Indonesia).

To the west, Indonesia is bordered by India and the Indian Ocean.

Astronomically, Indonesia is located at the coordinates 95° to 141° east longitude and 6 ° north latitude to 11 ° south latitude.

Indonesia is passed by the equator which divides Indonesia into northern and southern parts. In Indonesia, there are eight provinces that pass through the equator, namely West Sumatra, Riau, Central Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, Maluku and Papua.

Archipelago state

Indonesia is famous for its 5 largest islands, namely Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua.

That is why Indonesia is known as an archipelago because apart from having 5 large main islands, there are thousands of other islands scattered from Sabang to Merauke. Until 2020, Indonesia has reported more than 17,000 islands owned by Indonesia to the United Nations.

Maritime Countries

Indonesia is also known as a maritime country because 2/3 of its area consists of water.

Indonesia's sea area is about 75 percent of its total area, consisting of 3.1 million square kilometers (km) of territorial sea and 2.7 million square kilometers of sea in the Exclusive Economic Zone.

Seasons in Indonesia

Indonesia is classified as a tropical country which has only 2 seasons, namely the rainy season and the dry season.

Tribes and Regional Languages ​​in Indonesia

Indonesia has more than 300 ethnic groups, to be more precise there are 1,340 ethnic groups in the country according to the census of the central statistical agency in 2010. Javanese are the largest group in Indonesia, accounting for 41% of the total population.

Furthermore, from 34 provinces, Indonesia has 714 regional languages ​​with various dialect variations.

Bali is a part of Indonesia

Where is Bali located? There are still many foreigners who do not know that Bali is part of the Indonesian state.

Bali is indeed more famous than Indonesia itself.

Bali is an island in Indonesia which is known for its natural beauty of the sea and its rich Hindu culture.

Almost every year, Bali is one of the favorite tourist centers for tourists.

Bali is known as the island of the gods, a paradise that visitors always miss.

So, if you have been to Bali, it means that you have visited Indonesia.

However, if you just heard about Indonesia, then you need to travel further and reach many beautiful places in this country besides Bali.

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